Convolved to 2007 characteristics of HyMap

Kokaly, R.F., Clark, R.N., Swayze, G.A., Livo, K.E., Hoefen, T.M., Pearson, N.C., Wise, R.A., Benzel, W.M., Lowers, H.A., Driscoll, R.L., and Klein, A.J., 2017, USGS Spectral Library Version 7: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1035, 61 p.,


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# Spectrum File Spectrum Title Catagory HTML Description GIF Plot ZIP File With ASCII Data
1301 s07_HY07 Alunite_NH4+Jaro NMNH145596A BECKb AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1302 s07_HY07 Alunite_NH4+Jaro NMNH145596A ASDFRb AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1303 s07_HY07 Alunite_NH4+Jaro NMNH145596A NIC4bb RREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1304 s07_HY07 Basalt_fresh BR93-46B BECKb AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1305 s07_HY07 Basalt_weathered BR93-43 BECKb AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1306 s07_HY07 Beidellite+Montmor GDS123 ASDFRb AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1307 s07_HY07 Beidellite+Montmor GDS123 NIC4bbb RREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1308 s07_HY07 Biotite-Chlorite_Mx BR93-36A BECKb AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1309 s07_HY07 Blue_Efflorscnt_Min SU93-300 BECKb AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1310 s07_HY07 Buddingtnt+Na-Mont CU93-260B NIC4b RREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip