Oversampled coarsely sampled spectra to finer wavelength spacing (interpolated, with cubic spline, to finer sampling to facilitate convolution to other spectrometers)

Kokaly, R.F., Clark, R.N., Swayze, G.A., Livo, K.E., Hoefen, T.M., Pearson, N.C., Wise, R.A., Benzel, W.M., Lowers, H.A., Driscoll, R.L., and Klein, A.J., 2017, USGS Spectral Library Version 7: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1035, 61 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/ds1035.


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# Spectrum File Spectrum Title Catagory HTML Description GIF Plot ZIP File With ASCII Data
2461 splib07b Bandpass (FWHM) ASDFR StandardResolution Wavelength and Bandpass Plot
2462 splib07b Bandpass (FWHM) ASDHR High-Resolution Wavelength and Bandpass Plot
2463 splib07b Bandpass (FWHM) ASDNG High-Res NextGen Wavelength and Bandpass Plot
2464 splib07b Wavelengths NIC4 Nicolet 1.12-216microns Wavelength and Bandpass Plot
2465 splib07b Bandpass (FWHM) NIC4 Nicolet 4 cm^-1 Wavelength and Bandpass Plot
2466 splib07b Wavelengths AVIRIS 1996 interp to 2203ch Wavelength and Bandpass Plot
2467 splib07b Bandpass (FWHM) AVIRIS 1996 in microns Wavelength and Bandpass Plot