Convolved to 2007 characteristics of HyMap

Kokaly, R.F., Clark, R.N., Swayze, G.A., Livo, K.E., Hoefen, T.M., Pearson, N.C., Wise, R.A., Benzel, W.M., Lowers, H.A., Driscoll, R.L., and Klein, A.J., 2017, USGS Spectral Library Version 7: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1035, 61 p.,


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# Spectrum File Spectrum Title Catagory HTML Description GIF Plot ZIP File With ASCII Data
1391 s07_HY07 Hematite.02+Quartz.98 GDS76 BECKa AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1392 s07_HY07 Hematitic_Alt._Tuff CU91-223 ASDFRb AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1393 s07_HY07 Hydrated_Volc_Tuff CU01-4A ASDFRc AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1394 s07_HY07 Illite CU00-5B Hi-Al+Quartz ASDFRa AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1395 s07_HY07 Jarosite_Rhyolite CU91-20A BECKa AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1396 s07_HY07 Kalun+kaol+gth mv2-ar3 ASDFRb AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1397 s07_HY07 Kaol+Muscov_intimate CU93-5C BECKa AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1398 s07_HY07 Kaol+Muscov_intimate CU93-5C ASDNGa AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1399 s07_HY07 Kaol.5+MuscCU91-250A AMX13 BECKb AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip
1400 s07_HY07 Kaol.5+MuscCU91-250A AMX13 ASDNGb AREF Soils and Mixtures Description Plot Zip